Saturday, December 10, 2011

I Believe in Apple Pie

I'm pretty sure we all have those days where we go to bed early, ready to wake up early in the morning, jump on the ab workout machine (or whatever its called), and then go and tackle the next day with a vengeance. Then when morning comes around, you find yourself sleeping in to 12 PM, staring at your homework till 5 PM, and then going and sitting in front of the TV until 8 PM. That was yesterday...and so far today for me. Ha.

College has a way of doing that to me. Every semester I start off with 9 million goals in my head and all the motivation to be an amazing student. I buy myself a planner, I get 4-5 freshly bought notebooks marked up and ready for each class, I start reading my textbooks early. Then...the semester starts. I never look at my planner again. My 4-5 notebooks quickly become just one notebook used for every class. And I never read my textbooks again. This happens every time. For example: I'm writing this blog when I should be preparing a ten-minute presentation about Huckleberry Finn and writing another 8 page paper. It's a never-ending cycle.

The same thing happens with the way I feed myself. I go to the store at the very beginning of the semester and buy all sorts of goodies. I find myself buying loads of things to cook, complete with spices, ingredients, and recipes. I'm always stoked to begin forcing myself to learn how to cook. Then once the semester moves forward...the food I bought remains untouched and I resort to TV dinners. After the tv dinners, I resort to peanut butter sandwhiches. Now I'm living on Nutri-Grain bars and fast food. By the end of the semester, I'll probably have resorted to Pixi-sticks.

College- 1 Andrew- 0

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Life As I Know It

Being an English major/Journalism'd think I'd already have a blog by now. Nope.

This is it. Enjoy.

So, I guess, for my first post here, I could start by writing a little bit about where I've been and what I've been doing for the past...oh...three years. Well...I've been going to school about at BYU-Idaho and enjoying the lack of scenery. I recently switched my major to English and have been regretting that decision ever since. ;) I'm sure I'll enjoy it eventually.

I think I've officially broken my ties with Elko, as I haven't lived there for almost three months now!!! Woot woot! New record (not counting the mission). I think I'm in like my 5th semester up here at BYU-I. Something like that, it all kinda blends in.

This semester has been successful in more ways than just education. About two months ago or so, I started dating Miss Christine. I'll attach a picture at the bottom. Aren't we just cuteness overload? That's been going quite swell and I believe I made a very good decision. She's my best friend! :)

If I had a funny story or funny thing to say..I'd say it. I got nothing. So there ya go. I'm officially a blogger.

<---- There we are at the Space Needle!!!